Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

get bored.

1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? (no I'm not)
2.When did your last hug take place? (not your bussines :p )
3.Are you a jealous person? (YES.)
4.Are you tired right now? (not really..)
5.Do you chew on your straws? (i used to do that hahaha)
6.Have you ever been called a tease? (ha?)
7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? (no....)
8.Do you cry easily? (YES :( )

9.What should you be doing right now? (studying... maybe?)
10.Are you a heavy sleeper? (nope)
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months? (HAHAHAHA i dont think so)
12.Are you mad at someone right now? (YES)
13.Do you believe in love? (why not?)
14.What makes you laugh no matter what?
(HAHAHAHA adadeh)
15.Who was the last person you talked to? (my mom :/)
16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like? (maybe HAHAHA)
17.Will you get married?
18.When was the last time you smiled? (tadi, when i took a picture of my self. :p)
19.Does anyone like you? (yes :*)
20.Do you secretly like someone? (YES HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA)
21.Who was the first person you talked to today? (My daddy-_-)
22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? (my self? AHAHAHAHA)
23.What are you NOT looking forward to? (huh?)
24.What ARE you looking forward to?
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it? (yes, do you want to know who he is?)
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do? (maybe i would say.. "EW")
27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
28.Are you a forgiving person? (a little. EHEHE. :P)
29.How many TRUE friends do you have? (two..?)
30.Do you fall for people easily? (maybe yes)
31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ya)
32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth? (mouth-_-)
33.Who was the last person you drove with? (SUPIR TAXI!!)
34.How late did you stay up last night and why? (3am. because of.. stupid-late-nightcall-conversation)
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you? (NEW YORKKKK)
36.Who was the last person you took a picture of? (my mommy;*)

37.Can you live a day without TV? (yes.... i think)
38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? (a minutes ago...
39.Three names you go by..  (HAHAHA F***a*, alisya, ZAYN MALIK. LOLOLOLOL)
40.Are you currently in a relationship? (flirtationship, exactly..)
41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie? (CRAZY LITTLE THING CALLED LOVE:)
42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? (no way)
43.What’s your current problem? (my promnight dress..)
44.Have you ever had your heart broken?(YES....)
45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships? (believe&honest to each other..)
46.How many kids do you want to have? (2 ANAK CUKUP..)
47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them? (yes, when i 12 HOHOHO)


Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

no more stttudy............. sampe liburan selesai. :) yep, at least gue seneng deh perjuangan di SMP ini ga sia sia, emang gakerasa banget kemaren rasanya masih kelas 7 masih cupu cupu nya, masih alay alay nya, dan skrg.....udah mau lulus. tinggal nunggu promnight, wisuda. uuuww i'm gonna miss this year so much bad:') gue udah lama banget ya ga ngepost disini, banyak banet sebenernya yg pengen gue ceritain. tapi saking banyaknya jadi bingung sendiri mau mulai darimana. Ohiya apa gue cerita pas lagi masa masa UN aja ya. okedeh gue cerita nih nih,

23 April 2012.
bangun bangun liat jam 5 pagi. terus biasanya hal yang gue inget setelah bangun tidur itu adalah hp, tapi mungkin selama 3 hari kedepan bukan hp, tapi 'un un un un un' haha LOL. oke, abis itu gue bener2 degdegdeg........... trus gue langsung siap2 ke sekolah, sampe sekolah jam 6 pagi. jam 8 udah masuk ruangan, dan rasanya itu.... kayak naik paus akrobatik.

24 April 2012.
Day 2. yap, sama aja. bangun2 jam 5 dan gue sholat dulu tentunya. HAHAHA tumben2an emang, terus langsung siap2, tapi kali ini gue ga se degdegdegdeg kemaren, pas denger bel masuk tuh rasanya kayak.... jatoh dari hysteria. loh. kok.

25 April 2012.                                                                                                           
tet. tet. tet. tet. hari ini matematika, ya. angka angka yang mematikan. degdeg-an nya bangetbanget. takut salah itung lah, takut ljk nya kenapakenapa lah. banyak banget deh -__- tapi gue berusaha untuk bersikap 'stay cool' .waktu bel masuk bunyi, rasanya kayak tau kalo pacar lo chat lagi sama selingkuhannya yang lama dan dia ngelanggar janji nya buat ke sekian kali. OH SALAH YA.

26 April 2012.
day 4 star, hari terakhir, keep calm down. tenang. dagdigdug hatiku... loh kok. wakakakakak. pas nyampe sekolah, muka anak2 bahagia suram gitu. gue juga sih sebenernya, dan 5 menit.. 10 menit.. 15 menit.. KRIIIING. waktu denger itu rasanya kayak ketemu selingkuhan pacar lo dan lo di pelototin. HAHAHA LOL.

YAY YAY YAYYY LET'S KICK SOME ASS!!!!! UN SELESAI!!!! pas keluar kelas muka kita bahagia banget. muka ter-bahagia-yallah-un-selesai-bisa-bebas yang pernah gue liat.
pulang pulang kerumah gue langsung ambil cemilan sebanyak2nya, nonton dvd sepuasnya, tidur sepuasnya, makan sepuasnya. SEPUASNYA! sekarang tinggal nunggu hasil UN keluar, nanti rasanya kayak apa ya kalo kita liat hasil nem kita, apakah rasanya kayak liat mantan kita lebih bahagia daripada kita? gue gatau. :)

okay well, makasih udah baca. istilah2 gue keren kan. HAHAHA.


Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

senior year is almost over.

Ujian Akhir Semester, TUKPD II, Ujian Praktek, Ujian Sekolah. udah selesai, udah gausah dipikirin lagi. tapi tetep aja hhhh. Ujian Nasional & Tes RSBI. H-23 mulai dari skrg, deg. deg. deg. lumayan takut, pengen bgt nem gue diatas 36. gaboleh dibawah 35. harus lulus, nilai gue harus bagus. SMABEL33 LULUS 100%, amin. 0:) okelah, bentar lagi udh bukan putih-biru, tapi putih abu-abu *berasa nama film* *ketauan sering nonton* oke stop. yak, sekitar 4 bulan lagi gue bakal jd anak SMA. doain dapet SMA terbaik yah guysguys, ohiya skrg April Mop. April Mop taun lalu kan...... stop lagi. jd aneh ih postnya, tittle sama post-nya beda bgt parah. ya pokoknya gasabar prom, gasabar lulus SMP. tapi gue bakal kangen banget sm Voldcafrio. Veforcives, Garestreith & Feldgrau, thanks buat 3 taun nya guys, sayang bgt sama kalian{}


Jumat, 13 Januari 2012


thanks for............everything, fer. makasih udah buat gue jd makin kuat, bikin gue tau buat ga terbang terlalu tinggi, bikin gue ga jadi cengeng lagi. bikin gue jd lebih sabar. makasiiihbgt ya fer, gue tau kok, gue bisa ngerti hehe. harusnya emang gue ngerti dari awal. cari gih yang bisa ketemu lo tiap hari, yang bisa buat lo senyum lebih, yang bisa lo liat secara langsung tiap hari. ya now it's over lah, kita harus udah jalanin hidup sendiri-sendiri. semoga dapet seperti apa yang lo mau ya fer. love you. ;')


Jumat, 30 Desember 2011


today?last day of 2011 babyyyyy YEAAAAAY! 2011 is almost over, and 2012 is just around the corner! 2011 too many bad moments, makasih 2011. gue udah belajar banyak dari lo, makasih juga buat 10bulan-nya di taun 2011 ya yang disana. semoga kita sama2 dapet yg terbaik lg amiin<3 2011 juga ngajarin gue buat.......move on. 2011 tuh gmn ya, hmmm. went by too fast but it definitely brought life long memories lah;-)
well, 2011 is good. so 2012, can you beat 2011 become a better year? ;-) semoga 2012 ngga se-mainstream 2011 deh ya.


gue rada takut sama 211212 masa -_- apa itu?KIAMAT. YA, ITU._. tapi ya gatau juga deh ah rempongbgt ya gue mikirin gituan, makin cepet mati makin cepet gangerasain beban dunia<3 aw.


1. rajin solat, tentunya.
2. tambah rajin, amiiin.
3. move on
4. masuk labschool/3, AMIN BANGET.
5. UAN gue sukses, sesuai target nem :D
6. many happy moments<3
7. no problems at all, semua baik-baik aja.
8. rambut gue tambah panjang!
9.tambah dewasa aja, deh.
10. that's all.

itu aja paling-paling penting. i have so many many many wish, but..masa iya gue mau tulis semuanya-_-
gue gabisa lupain moment2 di taun ini, sumpah, di taun ini gue berasaa banget. makasih 2011 udah ngasih gue banyak kenang2an. makasih 2011 udah nemuin gue sama.. someone that gave me so so many a lot of memories' makasih 2011 udah buat gue jd kayak gini, makasih 2011 buat semua nya, makasih udah nemuin gue sama temen2 deket gue sekarang. hemm 2011? brings back a lot of memories. Good/bad times, drama, broken heart & a bunch of bullshits from ass people. (!!!) HAHAHA, haters you better die. ;-)

that's all peopleeeeee, ini post terakhir gue di 2011 loh;-) goodbye 2011, welcome 2012.

2011 wasn't that great. But still thankful though. Reminiscing the sweet memories♥
au revoir, see you on 2012;-)


Jumat, 16 Desember 2011


crrrrrap 2011 is almost over, hahaha time fast babe. rasanya baru kmrn gue ngerayain bareng sodara2, fireworks, sekarang udah mau ngelakuin semua itu lagi, awesome. bedanya apa? kalo taun kemaren ada yang bilang ‘happy new year sayaaang, semoga kita tambah2 lagi di tahun ini ya{}:*’ .........stop HAHAHA. :| hemm gue pengen apa ya di taun ini? yang baik2 lah, taun ini juga.....SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL is getting fasteeeer. ngga kebayang ntar gue pake putih-abu2, udah harus mulai mandiri. huah SMP cepet banget rasanya:$ doain gue dong, nilai UN bagus, gue mau masuk SMA 3 atau engga labschool rawamangun nih, wish me get the best of luck lah;-)
ohiya hem apalagi ya, i miss someone out there, i miss all those funny things that you said lah;-( ‘star jangan ngambek ntar jelek:p’ ‘alaah sok ngambek pasti nanti juga ketawaa weee wee;p” ahaha time flies so fast lah, skrg gue udh ngga sama elo lagi. HAHA stop galau-nya, dengan gini ngga akan juga bikin dia balik ke lo. :’ udah mau taun baru juga, masa mau sedih2 juga. 2011 too many bad moments banget, ahaha:p

eh, gue ada lagu galau ya extreme banget nih, Miley Cyrus - Stay.

Well, it's good to hear your voice
I hope you're doing fine
And if you ever wonder
I'm lonely here tonight

I'm lost here in this moment
And time keeps slipping by
And if I could have just one wish
I'd have you by my side

I miss you
I need you

And I love you more
Than I did before
And it's a day I don't see your face
Nothing's changed
No one could take your place
It gets harder every day
Said you love me more
Than you did before
And I'm sorry it is this way
But I'm coming home
I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I'll stay
I will stay

While I try to live without you
Tears fall from my eyes
I'm alone and I feel empty
God I'm torn apart inside

I look up at the stars
Hoping you're doing the same
And somehow I feel closer
And I can hear you say

I miss you
I need you

And I love you more
Than I did before
And it's a day I don't see your face
Nothing's changed
No one could take your place
It gets harder every day
Said you love me more
Than you did before
And I'm sorry it is this way
But I'm coming home
I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I'll stay
I will stay

I will stay
Always stay
I never wanna lose you
And if I had to I would choose you
So stay
Please always stay
You're the one that I hold on to
'Cause my heart would stop without you

And I love you more
Than I did before
And it's a day I don't see your face
Nothing's changed
No one could take your place
It gets harder every day
Said you love me more
Than you did before
And I'm sorry it is this way
But I'm coming home
I'll be coming home
And if you ask me I'll stay
I will stay

hahaha pol abis galau-nya ya, I miss you, kura-kura. :’


Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

oh crap!

haaaaaai long time no see. oh crap baby monday is getting faster. udah mau UAS aja nih, semester 2 udah mau UN huaaaa SMA, gasabar jadinya. bisa ngelupain semua bad moment di SMP huft. eh kmrn gue nonton Indonesia Vs La Galaxy dan DAVID BECKHAM AAAAA YOU’RE SO DAMN HOT BABYYYY<3 gantengbgtbgt huuhh. walaupun gasuka bola........
eh iya ini gmn nih mana nilai gue tuh anjlok2 banget malu deh, tapi target nem gue keren dong, 37 lah, minimal. amin;-) eh gue lagi sedih....... too many problems. huftttt, I’m tired of being tired. belom bisa lupain ngelupain lo sumpah. cowok jaman skrg sama aja, samasama brengsek. too mainstream:’P

gue punya lagu galau baru yang supewrrr.
Go On Girl - Ne Yo

I can't get it back, but
I don't want it back, I
Realized that,
he don't know how to act
Never been a dumb girl
No I'm not dense
I Just had a slight lack
Of common sense
I was the good girl
She was the bad guy
I'm thinking one guy
He thinking me *dancewek2diayglain*
Yep he had plenty
But love for me, he didn't have any

I was inviting, him into my heart
But he was out riding in some other girl's car
he was my night time, thought I was his star
Guess I was wrong, but see I'm strong
Wont take long for me to move on

Please don't worry bout me I'm fine
(Please don't worry bout me I'm fine)
Only gonna play the fool one time
(Only gonna play the fool one time)
Trust me when I say
That I'll be OK
Go on guy
(Go on guy)
Go on guy
(Go on guy)
Go on guy

I can't get it back, but
I don't want it back, I
Realized that,
he don't know how to act
Tried to settle down and look what I get
Thought it was my time, but I guess not yet

he at the bar getting drinks from many girl
I'm in the house, thinking he’s with his girlfriends
Trust not knowing, truly not knowing
I look back now like, girl, I was open

I was inviting, him into my heart
But he was out riding in some other guy's car
he was my night time, thought I was his star
Guess I was wrong, but see I'm strong
Wont take long for me to move on

The mistake I made is clear
(we never should've been together)
Thats the reason you're not here
(I know that I can do much better)
Not a single salty tear
Not a feeling in my chest
Baby I'm feeling no stress
I'm too fly to be depressed

Go on guy
Go on guy
Go on guy
go on guy, i’ll be fine..