Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011


heyyy, how r u....gue lg kesel nih, gue suka dikomentar2 gajelas sm nyokap, kayak ‘kamu tuh jgn ginigini’ BLAHHH, I was born this way, btw. ;) eh skrg kelas 9 nih takut UAN kiwkiw-_- kmrn gue abis nonton Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2, Kawan2!!!! It’s too awesome<3 harry potter terakhir. sedih. miris. thankssss for the memories Harry Potter!gilaa, 11 taun kerasa cepetbgt, dan skrg harpot udah abis. time runs so fast. Harry Potter will be a legend. wkwkwk gue mau nonton lagi..bahahaha.

Albus Severus Potter..........asdfghjkl:\ he’s too ganteng, hugi kalahdeh. lho. apa hubungannya. -_- wkwkwk eh bsk puasa nihhh kwnkwn, mohon maaf lahir dan batin!:D


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